If you want to know about PHP and how to develop a creative homepage using PHP and Codeigniter MVC framework this one is for you. PHP is a language used to develop dynamic web pages on the server side. No one knows about WordPress. It’s the WordPress platform you are looking for. It’s open source. That’s why PHP server-side Scripting languages are fantastic and the most reliable in web development after HTML.
PHP is a popular programming language for web development because it’s easy to use, flexible, and offers a developer-supported community.
Check out our PHP Essentials Training course on Jobsland.
Definition and History
Origins of PHP
PHP was originally developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf under the name ‘Hypertext Preprocessor’. It began as a collection of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) binaries written in the C programming language. Lerdorf called it PHP because he used the set of tools to maintain his homepage. In later versions, the language grew more powerful. A common gripe about PHP was its overwhelmingly descriptive manual.
Evolution and Current Status
Over the years, PHP has been evolving: more and more was added, and in turn, the once young and neglected PHP has grown into a powerful and respected tool. The PHP Group was set up to govern the developments. In 1998, PHP 3 made its appearance, including the ability to embed PHP in the HTML site, which has been a cornerstone of PHP’s usefulness ever since. In 2000, PHP 4 came along with some impressive performance numbers and the Zend Engine, closely followed in 2004 with PHP 5, which brought object-oriented programming (OOP) features. PHP 7 arrived in 2015 with some major performance improvements. Currently, in version 8, PHP offers new features, further syntax enhancements, even better performance, and more benefits for developers.
Key Features of PHP
Server-Side Scripting
While generally used for web development, PHP is mainly a server-side scripting language. This means that the server processes it and then sent back to the client’s web browser as raw HTML to create dynamic pages.
Embedded in HTML
One of PHP’s most valuable features is its ability to work embedded into pages. This means that PHP’s syntax is usable within HTML documents and can generate dynamic content within normal HTML tags.
Open-Source and Community-Driven
Since PHP is an ‘open-source’ language, it’s freely available. It lends itself to an active community of developers, where it continually evolves and keeps up with the latest web trends.
Cross-Platform Compatibility
However, PHP is notable for running on different operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, and MacOS. It can also be used seamlessly with a range of web servers, such as Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft IIS. This is what makes PHP a cross-platform tool.
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Advantages of Using PHP
Easy to Learn and Use
A PHP program is written in plain text using a syntax similar to C or Perl. Because of this very U.S.-Western and not very interesting-looking syntax, PHP got its name: PHP stands for ‘PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor’. If you know either C or Perl, you’ll have little trouble learning PHP. The Latin abbreviation for efficacy, productive (or effective, if you want to avoid using Latin words) comes from the verb efficere which means ‘make effective’ and which we have borrowed from Latin as ‘effect’. So Latin efficacious means (of something good or bad): ‘having an effect’, or in our English, ‘having the power to produce an effect or change’. That’s how you become a Latin scholar. Philosophy is not alone in emphasising efficacy. In his book On Being a Scientist (1985), Philip Kitcher explains that the heart of the scientific method is explained by a partial theory that states: When you design new experiments to extend your investigation, you try to, and generally succeed in, eliminating and/or controlling all causes that you can identify of the event in question, so as to leave the one you’re interested in. Or, to express it formally, you aim to design experiments that will be efficacious. Kitcher defines an experiment as ‘an arrangement whose occurrence is left up to nature, and which is designed to demonstrate the presence or absence of particular causes’. He states that any experiment that lends itself to an interpretation in terms of the weighing of evidence that meets the relevant demands of the partial theory above must achieve efficacy.
Large Community and Extensive Support
Because it’s been around for so long and is so widely used, the PHP community is huge, welcoming, and helpful. There are countless forums, tutorials, and official and unofficial documentation to guide developers both new and experienced through the potholes.
Wide Range of Libraries and Frameworks
PHP even has a thriving community of libraries and frameworks that can save time and add power to applications. Frameworks like Laravel, Symfony and CodeIgniter have upsides that include but aren’t limited to, pre-baked modules and tools to simplify common development challenges like routing and authentication.
Integration with Various Databases
PHP can work with just about any database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, and anything else with a web-facing API. It can accommodate data management needs, be they an internal spreadsheet or a distributed backend.
Setting Up Your PHP Environment
Step-by-Step Guide for Installing a Local Server (XAMPP, WAMP, MAMP)
In order to build PHP apps, you need a local server environment. To do this, you use tools such as XAMPP (Windows, macOS and Linux), WAMP (Windows) and MAMP (macOS and Windows). Here’s how to install XAMPP:
Download the XAMPP installer from the Apache Friends website.
Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Choose the components you want to install (Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc.).
Select the installation directory.
Complete the installation process and launch the XAMPP Control Panel.
Configuring the Server
After installing XAMPP, you need to configure the server:
Open the XAMPP Control Panel.
Start the Apache and MySQL services.
Make sure that other applications or firewalls can’t block the ports used by Apache and MySQL.
Now open a web browser and enter the local server location, http://localhost/. Assuming you’re on a computer, tap Enter.
Basic PHP Syntax
PHP Tags and Embedding PHP in HTML
PHP code is enclosed between a special tag (described below) – <?php – and a special closing tag, represented here by the symbol (to indicate the end of the input). This way, the PHP parser knows exactly which input to use as PHP code and which part to treat as HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>PHP Example</title>
echo “Hello, World!”;
In this example, the PHP code is embedded within the HTML structure.
Variables, Data Types, and Operators
PHP provides out-of-the-box support for different data types, such as integers, float, strings, arrays, and objects. Variables in PHP are declared using $ followed by a variable name:
$greeting = “Hello, World!”;
$number = 42;
echo $greeting;
PHP also includes standard operators for arithmetic, comparison, and logical operations.
Basic Control Structures (if, else, loops)
PHP comes with built-in control structures for making decisions and repeating tasks. With the if statement, you can choose to execute some code or not based on a condition:
$age = 18;
if ($age >= 18) {
echo “You are an adult.”;
} else {
echo “You are a minor.”;
Loops such as for, while, and for each enable you to repeat code:
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
echo “Number: $i<br>”;
Writing and Running Your First PHP Script
Creating a Simple “Hello, World!” Script
One of the first things most programmers used to do when starting in a new programming language is to write a ‘Hello, World!’ script. Here’s what it looks like in PHP:
Open your text editor and create a new file.
Write the following PHP code:
echo “Hello, World!”;
Save the file as hello.php in the htdocs directory of your XAMPP installation.
Saving and Accessing PHP Files on the Server
To run your PHP script, follow these steps:
Ensure that the Apache server is running in the XAMPP Control Panel.
Open your web browser and type http://localhost/hello.php in the address bar.
You should see “Hello, World!” displayed on the screen.
Planning Your Creative Homepage
Identifying Goals and Target Users
Before you start designing a homepage, you should identify your goal and your visitors. Ask yourself what your goal is with your homepage. Is it only sharing some information about you or showing your portfolio? Or are you trying to sell something? The more you identify your own goal, the more you can focus on your website’s first impression.
Outlining Key Features and Content
Once you’ve defined that purpose, make a list of the main features or content that the homepage should contain. Perhaps you want a greeting section, followed by an explanation of what you do, a display of work, some testimonials, and the usual contact details. Put the most important bits at the top of the list.
Designing the Layout
Wireframing and Mockups
You begin with a wireframe – a simple, visual representation of the layout of a homepage, marking out the placement of your different content areas, helping to establish structure and flow before you get pulled into design choices you haven’t yet agreed upon. Sketch a wireframe using design tools such as Sketch, Figma or (old-school) paper and pencil…. From your wireframe, develop more detailed mockups to refine your conception of your final design.
Choosing a Color Scheme and Typography
The final key element is selecting a colour scheme and typography style that makes your homepage pleasing to the eye. First, pick colours that resonate with your brand and your audience. You can use tools such as Adobe Color or Coolers to generate colour schemes. Next, select easy-to-read typography fonts that fit your brand identity using Google Fonts.
Structuring the Navigation and User Interface
Providing a good user experience obviously relies on a good initial site structure and user interface (UI) design. Make sure to have a friendly and easy navigation. Your ‘static elements’ should appear the same on every page of your site. Following this rule, your nav bar can be accessed from any page on your website. Also, be sure that items from your navigation menu are described in a way that your intended audience would easily understand. The same goes for UI – designed properly, it would be intuitive for visitors, giving them few clues about the next steps or information available to them. Also, there are certain rules of spacing, alignment, and consistency that are worth applying to your homepage design – all of these little things make our brains more pleasant with a good website.
Creating the Homepage Structure with HTML and CSS
DOCTYPE Declaration and HTML Structure
Every HTML document starts with a <!DOCTYPE html> declaration to indicate to the browser that it should render the page in standards mode. The HTML boilerplate follows this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>
<title>Creative Homepage</title>
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styles.css”>
<!– Content will go here –>
This Skeleton sets up the character set and basic Viewport settings for responsive design.
Adding Meta Tags and Linking CSS
Meta tags are tags that provide metadata about your HTML document and are used in search engine optimisation (SEO), responsive design and other purposes. A <link> tag is used within the <head> section of your HTML to redirect to styles in your CSS:
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styles.css”>
SEO of your webpage can be improved by using such meta tags as <meta name= “description” content= “A creative homepage”> or <meta name= “keywords” content= “HTML, CSS, PHP, homepage”>.
Styling with CSS
Writing External and Internal CSS
CSS can be written in a separate file or defined inline in the HTML document. It is more convenient to have it in an external file for better organisation and reuse. To include an external CSS file, you need to link it using the rel-tag as shown here:
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styles.css”>
Internal CSS is written within the <style> tag inside the <head> section:
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
External CSS should be preferred for larger projects to keep HTML and CSS separate.
Applying Styles to HTML Elements
You can style HTML elements in CSS by choosing them with different selectors (element, class, ID):
body {
background-color: #f4f4f4;
color: #333;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
h1 {
font-size: 2em;
text-align: center;
line-height: 1.6;
margin: 10px 0;
They determine how your webpage will ultimately look and feel.
Using CSS for Layout (Flexbox, Grid)
CSS Flexbox and Grid are incredibly powerful layout modules: one enables you to create simple code for complex one-dimensional designs, and the other enables you to create complex multi-dimensional designs with simple code. With Flexbox, you can design in one dimension:
.container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
CSS Grid is used for two-dimensional layouts:
.grid-container {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
gap: 10px;
Both methods provide a flexible and efficient way to create responsive layouts.
Responsive Design Principles
With responsive design, your web page will look beautiful on any device. To do so, set media queries that apply styles based on device characteristics:
@media (max-width: 768px) {
.container {
flex-direction: column;
This portion of the media query ensures that the layout will be different at 768px or less. Have you ever wondered how to provide your users with a better experience on their mobile devices? The following snippet would be the answer to that query.
Adding Dynamic Content with PHP
Integrating PHP Code within HTML Tags
PHP can be embedded directly within HTML to add dynamic content. For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<title>My PHP Page</title>
<h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
<p>Today is <?php echo date(‘l, F j, Y’); ?></p>
This code dynamically displays the current date.
Displaying Dynamic Content (e.g., Date, User Input)
PHP can display various dynamic content based on user input or other variables:
$userName = “John Doe”;
echo “<p>Hello, $userName! Welcome back.</p>”;
This script personalises the greeting based on the $userName variable.
Working with Forms
Creating Forms in HTML
Forms let visitors add data for us to process using PHP. Here’s a simple form:
<form action=”process.php” method=”post”>
<label for=”name”>Name:</label>
<input type=”text” id=”name” name=”name”>
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>
The form sends data to process.php using the POST method.
Processing Form Data with PHP
PHP processes form data using the $_POST or $_GET superglobal arrays:
$name = $_POST[‘name’];
echo “Hello, $name!”;
This script retrieves the submitted name and displays a greeting.
Validating and Sanitising User Input
Validation and sanitisation ensure that the input is safe and correct:
$name = trim($_POST[‘name’]);
$name = stripslashes($name);
$name = htmlspecialchars($name);
if (!empty($name)) {
echo “Hello, $name!”;
} else {
Echo “Name is required.”;
This script validates and sanitises the user input to prevent security issues.
Connecting to a Database
Introduction to Databases and SQL
Data is stored in databases on the computer and can be targeted with SQL (Structured Query Language). PHP and MySQL are quite good friends. For example, suppose a form is sent by the user’s browser, with values such as: Name: John | Age: 30 | Address: NY City. All inputs are sent to the server. MySQL can store this information in a structured manner:
Setting Up a MySQL Database
To set up a MySQL database:
Open phpMyAdmin from your XAMPP control panel.
Create a new database by entering a name and clicking “Create.”
Create tables and define columns as needed.
Writing PHP Code to Interact with the Database (CRUD Operations)
PHP can access MySQL and then do CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on it. Here is an example that connects to a database and inserts data:
$servername = “localhost”;
$username = “root”;
$password = “”;
$dbname = “myDatabase”;
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die(“Connection failed: ” . $conn->connect_error);
$sql = “INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (‘John Doe’, ‘john@example.com’)”;
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
echo “New record created successfully”;
} else {
echo “Error:”. $sql . “<br>” . $conn->error;
This script inserts a new record into the user’s table.
Enhancing the Homepage with Advanced PHP Features
Master the Fundamentals of PHP Programming!
Using PHP Libraries and Frameworks
Introduction to Popular PHP Frameworks (Laravel, Symfony)
For example, the PHP frameworks Laravel and Symfony provide modules and scaffolding for building websites. In contrast, Laravel’s powerful built-in functions and elegant syntax simplify development significantly for beginners, and Symfony is popular because of its flexible, modular, and extensible architecture.
Benefits of Using Frameworks for Complex Projects
Frameworks accelerate development, maintain code quality and upgrade security easily as they come with built-in tools to support routing, authentication and database management. Large projects will benefit most from such tools.
Implementing User Authentication
Creating a User Registration and Login System
User authentication involves creating a registration and login system. Here’s a basic registration script:
$username = $_POST[‘username’];
$password = password_hash($_POST[‘password’], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
$sql = “INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (‘$username’, ‘$password’)”;
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
echo “Registration successful”;
} else {
echo “Error:”. $sql . “<br>” . $conn->error;
<form method=”post” action=””>
<label for=”username”>Username:</label>
<input type=”text” id=”username” name=”username”>
<label for=”password”>Password:</label>
<input type=”password” id=”password” name=”password”>
<input type=”submit” value=”Register”>
This script registers a new user and stores a hashed password.
Managing User Sessions and Security
Sessions let you track a user’s logged-in status. Start a session at the beginning of your script:
if (isset($_SESSION[‘username’])) {
echo “Welcome,”. $_SESSION[‘username’];
} else {
echo “Please log in.”;
This script checks if a user is logged in and displays a welcome message.
Adding Interactive Elements
Integrating JavaScript and PHP
Java script can then be used alongside PHP to create interactive elements. For instance, you can use JavaScript to validate form input before submission. Javascript can also be used to prevent any form of abuse. When redirecting to sensitive areas, you can add a check to ensure the user is logged in before performing the redirection:
<form id=”myForm”>
<input type=”text” id=”username” name=”username”>
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>
document.getElementById(‘myForm’).onsubmit = function() {
var username = document.getElementById(‘username’).value;
if (username == “”) {
alert(“Username is required”);
return false;
return true;
return true;
If the username field is empty, this JavaScript code prevents the form from being submitted.
Using AJAX for Asynchronous Content Updates
AJAX causes the page to regenerate without reloading. The server (e.g., PHP) needs an endpoint to which the AJAX call can pass the needed information. So, here’s how an AJAX call with PHP can be implemented.
<div id=”result”></div>
<button onclick=”loadData()”>Load Data</button>
function loadData() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open(“GET”, “fetch_data.php”, true);
xhr.onload = function() {
if (this.status == 200) {
document.getElementById(“result”).innerHTML = this.responseText;
The fetch_data.php script retrieves data from the database and returns it to the AJAX call:
$servername = “localhost”;
$username = “root”
password = “”;
$dbname = “myDatabase”;
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($onn->connect_error) {
die(“Connection failed: ” . $conn->connect_error);
$sql = “SELECT * FROM users”;
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo “Username:”. $row[“username”] . “<br>”;
} else {
echo “No users found”;
// Show data for user input-name in result box var user = input-name; function fetchUser() var getData = [“name”, “weight”, “age”, “gender”]; // returns Array var userData = db(getAll(“users”);) // returns all users from db(userData); // returns usersConverted to ‘user’ i.e. JSON for user // returns all properties of ‘user’ result.innerHTML = user; var user = input-name; function fetchUser() var getData = [“name”, “weight”, “age”, “gender”]; var userData = db(getAll(“users”)); var getUser = db(get(“users”, user)); // returns specific user back to ‘user’// returns JSON of ‘user’ i.e. users var userData = db(get(‘user’)); var user = input-name; function fetchUser() var getData = [“name”, “weight”, “age”, “gender”]; // returns Array i.e. userData for user // returns users var userData = db(getAll(“users”)); // returns all users from db(userData); // returns userData convert to ‘user’ i.e. JSON for user // returns all properties of ‘user’ result.innerHTML = user; var user = input-name; function fetchUser() var getData = [“name”, “weight”, “age”, “gender”]; var userData = db(getAll(“users”)); var getUser = db(get(“users”, user)); var getUser = db(get(‘user’)); // returns specific user back to ‘user’// returns JSON of ‘user’ i.e. users var userData = db(get(‘user’)); var user = input-name; function fetchUser() var getData = [“name”, “weight”, “age”, “gender”]; // returns Array i.e. userData for user // returns users var userData = db(getAll(“users”)); // returns all users from db(userData); // returns userData convert to ‘user’ i.e. JSON for user // returns all properties of ‘user’
Implementing APIs for Dynamic Data
An API is something that fetches external data on demand, such as a live map of traffic. Here’s how to make a simple API request with PHP:
$api_url = “https://api.example.com/data”;
$response = file_get_contents($api_url);
$data = json_decode($response, true);
foreach ($data as $item) {
echo “<p>” . $item[‘name’] . “: ” . $item[‘value’] . “</p>”;
This script fetches data from an API and displays it on the webpage.
Testing and Deploying Your Homepage
Common Errors and Troubleshooting Techniques
In fact, the development process is not complete without debugging: the process of finding an error and fixing it. Some of the most common PHP are syntax errors, undefined variables, and connection with a database. PHP has unique reporting functions that can assist you in finding an error and fixing it:
ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);
ini_set(‘display_startup_errors’, 1);
Put this at the very top of your PHP page to have it show all errors and notices:
Using Debugging Tools and Error Reporting
Tools like Xdebug can provide detailed error reports and allow for step-by-step debugging:
Install Xdebug and configure it in your PHP ini file.
Use breakpoints and watches to inspect variables and program flow.
Utilise IDEs like PhpStorm that integrate with Xdebug for a more seamless debugging experience.
Testing Across Different Browsers and Devices
Ensuring Cross-Browser Compatibility
Try testing your homepage on different browsers to make sure it renders as you expect to make sure that your user base doesn’t have any immediate issues. A site that works well in every single browser across many devices is your aim – tools like BrowserStack allow you to see what your website looks like across many browsers and devices. There are marked differences in how browsers handle CSS and JavaScript. Try using CSS resets (like Eric Meyer’s) or Normalize.css in your applications to keep things consistent.
Mobile Responsiveness Testing
Today, there’s no excuse not to have responsive design. To test your site’s mobile-friendliness, check it using Google’s Mobile‑Friendly Test or use the responsive design modes built into the developer tools of most modern browsers. For example, on Chrome, use ‘Ctrl/⌘+Shift+M’. Make sure that your content flows appropriately to different screen sizes and responds to touch interactions.
Deploying Your Homepage to a Web Server
Choosing a Hosting Provider
A good hosting provider is very important for performance and uptime. Bluehost, SiteGround and HostGator are some of the popular hosting providers. Look for PHP support, database management and customer service.
Uploading Files via FTP or Using a Control Panel
To load files to your server, you’ll typically use FTP (File Transfer Protocol)—often done with specific FTP programs such as FileZilla, which let you connect to your server and upload files. Other hosting providers will have built-in file management applications, like the control panel that many hosts offer, such as cPanel, which has tools for uploading and organisingorganizing files.
Configuring Domain and SSL Certificates
You need to point the domain to your hosting provider by going back to the DNS settings above. SSL certificates should be enabled for your chosen domain to ensure secure data exchanges between the server hosting your website and your users’ browsers. Most hosting companies offer free SSL certificates through services such as Let’s Encrypt. All you need to do is activate SSL within your control panel and instruct your website to run through HTTPS.
Pulling this all together into a homepage you design takes a lot of steps. As we’ve covered throughout this series, you’ll have to do everything from getting your dev environment up and running to designing the look and feel, implementing data from a database for dynamic interaction to deploying your site. Suppose you’re good with HTML, CSS and PHP, and you learn how to leverage modern frameworks and tools. In that case, you can build your website from scratch and have a working, responsive and good-looking homepage. Keep experimenting and expanding your skill set as you learn this and more so that you stay up to date with the latest trends and best web development practices.